
The content of the language pack is extracted from the Wiktionary.

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You can refine the definitions of the following words (Italiano): vulnus, post, cumbia, co, proto, daccordo, bo, https, quo, maranza, daspo, istrionico, ce, sottendere, sottofondo, armocromia, soggolo, combo, fo, vo,

You can refine the definitions of the following words (English): rythm, bossom, phd, tought, adhoc, groot, prospond, utm, sturbon, sfnsn, douch, bumb, vawulence, mibextid, botton, idan, sur, concor, graduant, hardwork,

You can refine the definitions of the following words (Français): https, jou, goumin, , tor, bro, song, mibextid, cu, voice, dor, poto, chèr, frond, tou, omo, dou, cruch, control, sfnsn,

You can refine the definitions of the following words (Español): xxx, redención, sfnsn, https, bts, colágeno, egocéntrico, disociar, narcisista, pos, filógino, cosmo, inedito, orondo, inducción, balla, iva, antítesis, hl, inmundicia,

You can refine the definitions of the following words (Deutsch): umschulung, durchwahl, menschen, güter, redemittel, gleitzeit, vorschub, gym, storm, stundung, stop, ausklingen, kostenvoranschlag, photo, bzw, rausgehen, durchblutung, reinkommen, ok, traumhaft,

You can refine the definitions of the following words (Português (Brasil)): aclk, apps, posts, https, narcisista, clk, dialog, xxx, surreal, facultativo, extroversão, empoderada, mz, dp, hetero, pesso, credibilidade, mibextid, monturo, elegível,

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