see also: Gomer

gomer (plural gomers)

  1. (historical units of measure, archaic) Alternative form of omer#English|omer: a former Hebrew unit of dry volume equal to about 2.3 L or 2.1 quarts.

gomer (plural gomers)

  1. A conical chamber at the breech of the bore in heavy ordnance, especially in mortars.

gomer (plural gomers)

  1. (slang, derogatory) A stupid, awkward, or oafish person.
    • 2005, Ralph Hardy, Lefty, iUniverse (2004), ISBN 9780595296262, page 25 ↗:
      “Lordy Jeezus,” he said out loud. When did he become such a gomer?
    • 2007, Brian McDaniel, Walt Disney World: The Full Report, iUniverse (2007), ISBN 9780595477654, page 147 ↗:
      Okay, you wanted to go to the Big Apple, but didn't want to sit in traffic or feel like a country hic, as you stare up at all 'dem big buildins'. Try Universal Studios Florida's version of New York, where you can stare at all the fake big buildings all you want and not feel like a total Gomer.
    • 2008, Julie Johnson Oliver, I've Been 16 for 34 Years, Groveland Branch Press (2008), ISBN 9780578000862, page 72 ↗:
      Everyone will have to guess who I want to dance with tonight, I thought. I'm not giving myself away to this bunch of gomers. That would be way too embarrassing.
  2. (US, military slang, derogatory) An inept trainee or serviceperson.
  3. (US, military slang) An opponent in combat or in training.
Synonyms Noun

gomer (plural gomers)

  1. (medical slang, derogatory) An undesirable hospital patient, or a patient who does not need medical care.
    That patient is a total GOMER. Turf him and let's get some lunch.
  2. (slang, derogatory) A dirty, senile, or otherwise unpleasant patient.
  3. (slang, informal) A patient who does not respond to medical treatment.

Proper noun
  1. Surname
  2. (biblical character) The eldest son of Japheth.
    • 1611, King James Version of the Bible, Genesis 10:2
      The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.

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