  • (GA) IPA: /ˈfɔɹmɚ/
  • (RP) IPA: /ˈfɔːmə/


  1. Previous.
    A former president;  the former East Germany
    • 1892, Walter Besant, chapter III, in The Ivory Gate: A Novel, New York, N.Y.: Harper & Brothers, […], OCLC 16832619 ↗:
      At half-past nine on this Saturday evening, the parlour of the Salutation Inn, High Holborn, contained most of its customary visitors. […] In former days every tavern of repute kept such a room for its own select circle, a club, or society, of habitués, who met every evening, for a pipe and a cheerful glass.
  2. First of aforementioned two items. Used with the, often without a noun.
    The former is a good idea but the latter is not.
    I drive two vehicles, a Chevy Camaro and an AMC Gremlin. I won the former on a game show.
Synonyms Antonyms Translations Translations Noun

former (plural formers)

  1. Someone who forms something; a maker; a creator or founder.
    Dave was the former of the company.
  2. An object used to form something, such as a template, gauge, or cutting die.
    The brick arch was built using a wooden former.
  3. (chiefly, British, used in combinations) Someone in, or of, a certain form (class).

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