  • IPA: /əˈnælɪsɪs/


  1. (countable) Decomposition into components in order to study (a complex thing, concept, theory etc.).
  2. (countable) The result of such a process.
    • Thus, in a sequence such as [French English teacher], since English is closer to
      the Head Noun teacher, it must be a Complement; and since French is further
      away from teacher, it must be an Attribute. Hence, we correctly predict that
      the only possible interpretation for [a French English teacher] is ‘a person who
      teaches English who is Frenchʼ. So our analysis not only has semantic plausi-
      bility; but in addition it has independent syntactic support.
  3. (uncountable, mathematics) The mathematical study of functions, sequences, series, limits, derivatives and integrals.
  4. (countable, logic) Proof by deduction from known truths.
  5. (countable, chemistry) The process of breaking down a substance into its constituent parts, or the result of this process.
  6. (uncountable, music) The analytical study of melodies, harmonies, sequences, repetitions, variations, quotations, juxtapositions, and surprises.
  7. (countable, psychology) Psychoanalysis.
Antonyms Related terms Translations Translations Translations Translations
  • Russian: ана́лиз

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