Pronunciation Verb
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Pronunciation Verb
correspond (corresponds, present participle corresponding; past and past participle corresponded)
- (intransitive, constructed with to) to be equivalent or similar in character, quantity, quality, origin, structure, function etc.
(intransitive, constructed with with) to exchange messages, especially by postal letter, over a period of time. - I've been corresponding with my German pen pal for three years.
- French: correspondre (...à qqchose)
- German: entsprechen, korrespondieren
- Italian: corrispondere
- Portuguese: corresponder
- Russian: соотве́тствовать
- Spanish: corresponder, equivaler
- French: correspondre (...avec qqun)
- German: korrespondieren
- Italian: corrispondere
- Portuguese: corresponder
- Russian: перепи́сываться
- Spanish: escribir con, corresponderse, cartearse
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.002