This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003
- plural form of crossroad
- A place where one road crosses another; an intersection of two or more roads.
- 2010, M. K. Hobson, The Native Star:
- quote en
- 2010, M. K. Hobson, The Native Star:
- (by extension) A centrally located position
- 2005, Jake Logan, Slocum and the Sierra Madras Gold:
- quote en
- 2018, Rail, issue 857, July 18-July 31, article on Severn Bridge Junction signal box at Shrewsbury:
- quote en
- 2005, Jake Logan, Slocum and the Sierra Madras Gold:
- (by analogy) A decision point; a turning point or opportunity to change direction, course, or goal.
- (nonstandard) A fork in the road.
- French: carrefour
- German: Kreuzung, Straßenkreuzung, Querstraße, Wegscheide (literally)
- Italian: incrocio, crocicchio
- Portuguese: cruzamento, encruzilhada
- Russian: перекрёсток
- Spanish: cruce, encrucijada
- German: Scheideweg
- Italian: bivio, punto di svolta
- Russian: распу́тье
- Spanish: encrucijada
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003