see also: Fur
  • (British) IPA: /fɜː(ɹ)/
  • (GA) enPR: fûr, IPA: /fɚ/, [fɝ]
    • (America)


  1. The hairy coat of various mammal species, especially when fine, soft and thick.
  2. The hairy skin of an animal processed into clothing for humans.
    • wrapped up in my furs
  3. A pelt used to make, trim or line clothing apparel.
  4. A coating, lining resembling fur in function and/or appearance.
    1. A thick pile of fabric.
    2. The soft, downy covering on the skin of a peach.
    3. The deposit formed on the interior of boilers and other vessels by hard water.
    4. The layer of epithelial debris on a tongue.
  5. (heraldry) One of several patterns or diapers used as tinctures.
  6. (hunting, uncountable) Rabbits and hares, as opposed to partridges and pheasants (called feathers).
  7. A furry; a member of the furry subculture.
  8. (vulgar, slang) Pubic hair.
  9. (vulgar, slang) Sexual attractiveness.
Translations Translations Translations
  • German: Pelz
  • Russian: мех
Translations Verb

fur (furs, present participle furring; past and past participle furred)

  1. (transitive) To cover with fur or a fur-like coating.
  2. (intransitive) To become covered with fur or a fur-like coating.
  3. (transitive, construction) To level a surface by applying furring to it.
    Synonyms: fur out
Translations Conjunction


  1. Pronunciation spelling of for#English|for, representing African-American Vernacular English.
  1. Pronunciation spelling of for#English|for, representing African-American Vernacular English.


fur (plural furs)

  1. A member of a Nilo-Saharan people of western Sudan.
Proper noun
  1. The language of this people.

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