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- (America) IPA: /ˈɡɑɹbɪd͡ʒ/
- (RP) IPA: /ˈɡɑːbɪd͡ʒ/
- (America, humorous, imitating the French pronunciation) IPA: /ɡɑ(ɹ)ˈbɑːʒ/
garbage (uncountable) (chiefly, US, Canada, Australia)
- Food waste material of any kind.
- Garbage is collected on Tuesdays; rubbish on Fridays
- Useless or disposable material; waste material of any kind.
- The garbage truck collects all residential municipal waste.
- A place or receptacle for waste material.
- He threw the newspaper into the garbage.
- Nonsense; gibberish.
- (often, attributively) Something or someone worthless.
- (obsolete) The bowels of an animal; refuse parts of flesh; offal.
- French: ordures, déchet, poubelle
- German: Abfall, Müll
- Italian: immondizia, spazzatura, rifiuti
- Portuguese: lixo
- Russian: му́сор
- Spanish: basura, desperdicios
garbage (garbages, present participle garbaging; past and past participle garbaged)
- (transitive, chiefly, US, Canada, obsolete) to eviscerate
- 1674, John Josselyn, Two Voyages to New England, Made During the Years 1638-63 (quoted in William Butts Mershon, The Passenger Pigeon, 1907, The Outing Publishing Company):
- I have bought at Boston a dozen Pidgeons ready pulled and garbidged for three pence.
- Synonyms: disembowel, eviscerate, gut
- 1674, John Josselyn, Two Voyages to New England, Made During the Years 1638-63 (quoted in William Butts Mershon, The Passenger Pigeon, 1907, The Outing Publishing Company):
garbage (not comparable)
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003