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- (RP) IPA: /ˈmæskjʊlɪn/, /ˈmæskjələn/
- (America) IPA: /ˈmæskjulɪn/, /ˈmæskjələn/
- (Australia) IPA: /ˈmæskjələn/
- Of or pertaining to the male gender; manly.
- Of or pertaining to the male sex; biologically male, not female.
- Synonyms: male
- Antonyms: female, womanly
- Belonging to males; typically used by males.
- “John”, “Paul” and “Jake” are masculine names.
- Having the qualities stereotypically associated with men: virile, aggressive, not effeminate.
: - That lady, after her husband's death, held the reins with a masculine energy.
: - […] a masculine church.
- Synonyms: manly, virile
- Antonyms: effeminate, emasculated, epicene, unmanly
- (grammar) Of, pertaining or belonging to the male grammatical gender, in languages that have gender distinctions.
- (of a noun) Being of the masculine class, or grammatical gender, and inflected in that manner.
- The noun Student is masculine in German.
- (of some other parts of speech) Being inflected in agreement with the masculine noun.
- German uses the masculine form of the definite article, der, with Student.
- Coordinate terms: feminine#English|feminine, neuter#English|neuter
- (of a noun) Being of the masculine class, or grammatical gender, and inflected in that manner.
- French: masculin
- German: männlich
- Italian: mascolino
- Portuguese: macho
- Russian: мужско́й
- Spanish: masculino
- French: masculin
- German: männlich, maskulin
- Italian: masculino
- Portuguese: macho, homem
- Russian: мужско́й
- Spanish: masculino, varonil, viril, macho, hombruno
- French: masculin
- German: männlich, maskulin
- Italian: maschile
- Portuguese: masculino
- Russian: мужско́й
- Spanish: masculino
masculine (plural masculines)
- (grammar) The masculine gender.
- (grammar) A word of the masculine gender.
- That which is masculine.
- (rare, possibly obsolete) A man.
- French: masculin
- German: Maskulinum; (gender) maskulines Genus, männliches Geschlecht
- Portuguese: masculino
- Russian: мужско́й род
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003