
misken (miskens, present participle miskenning; past and past participle miskenned)

  1. (transitive, UK dialectal) To mistake one for another; mistake in point of knowledge or recognition; misconceive.
  2. (transitive, UK dialectal) To fail to know; be ignorant or unaware of; appear to be ignorant of.
  3. (transitive, UK dialectal) To misunderstand; mistake; have the wrong idea of.
  4. (reflexive, UK dialectal) To esteem oneself incorrectly; have a false or exaggerated opinion of oneself or one's position.
  5. (transitive, UK dialectal) To fail to recognise or identify.
  6. (transitive, UK dialectal) To refuse to acknowledge; disown; repudiate; pass over; ignore; disregard; neglect; overlook; disavow; disclaim; disown; deny.
  7. (transitive, UK dialectal) To fail to mention.

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