  • IPA: /pɹəˈfɛʃənəl/

professional (plural professionals)

  1. A person who belongs to a profession
  2. A person who earns their living from a specified activity
  3. A reputation known by name
  4. An expert.
    • 1934, Rex Stout, Fer-de-Lance, 1992 Bantam edition, ISBN 0553278193, page 97:
      I have learned that there is a person attached to a golf club called a professional. Find out who fills that post at the Green Meadow Club; […] invite the professional, urgently, to dine with us this evening.
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  1. Of, pertaining to, or in accordance with the (usually high) standards of a profession.
    • 1907, Robert William Chambers, chapter II, in The Younger Set, New York, N.Y.: D. Appleton & Company, OCLC 24962326 ↗:
      His forefathers had been, as a rule, professional men—physicians and lawyers; his grandfather died under the walls of Chapultepec Castle while twisting a tourniquet for a cursing dragoon; an uncle remained indefinitely at Malvern Hill; […].
  2. That is carried out for money, especially as a livelihood.
  3. (by extension) Expert.
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