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- (British, America) IPA: /ˈstaɪpɛnd/, /-pn̩d/
stipend (plural stipends)
- A scholarship granted to a student.
- A fixed payment, generally small and occurring at regular intervals; a modest allowance.
- My stipend for doing public service is barely enough to cover living expenses.
- French: bourse
- Italian: borsa di studio
- Portuguese: bolsa
- Russian: стипе́ндия
- French: rente
- German: Besoldung, Gehalt, Stipendium
- Italian: stipendio, salario, paga, onorario, paghetta
- Portuguese: estipêndio
- Russian: посо́бие
- Spanish: estipendio, salario, semanada (weekly)
stipend (stipends, present participle stipending; past and past participle stipended)
- (now rare) To provide (someone) with a stipend.
- 2002, Colin Jones (historian), The Great Nation, Penguin 2003, p. 122:
- As well as enjoying links in the royal court, he was said to stipend some 200 individuals in the city of Paris to spread favourable news stories about himself.
- 2002, Colin Jones (historian), The Great Nation, Penguin 2003, p. 122:
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