

  1. A kind of light cotton or linen fabric, often woven in openwork patterns, -- used for curtains, etc,.
  2. A large military scarf, usually camouflage coloured and used for concealment when not used as a scarf.
  3. A woven, nonwoven or knitted fabric composed of continuous strands of material used for reinforcing or strengthening membranes.
  4. (theater) A theater drop that appears opaque when a scene in front is lighted and transparent or translucent when a scene in back is lighted.
  5. (photography) A sheet of gauze etc. used to reduce the intensity of light.
  6. Thin canvas glued on the inside of panels to prevent shrinking, checking, etc.

scrim (scrims, present participle scrimming; past and past participle scrimmed)

  1. (photography) To use a scrim.

scrim (plural scrims)

  1. (online gaming) A practice match between one or more organized teams usually in preparation for a more competitive format, such as a tournament.

scrim (scrims, present participle scrimming; past and past participle scrimmed)

  1. (online gaming) To participate in a scrim.

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