Pronunciation Noun

schmuck (plural schmucks)

  1. (colloquial, pejorative, US) A jerk; a person who is unlikable, detestable, or contemptible because they're stupid, foolish, clumsy, oafish, inept, malicious, or unpleasant.
    Synonyms: twerp, twit, dope, dick, dork, prick, putz
    • 1995 September, The Playboy Interview: Cindy Crawford, Playboy
      One day my girlfriend, her boyfriend and I were sunbathing topless because that's Barbados - you can wear nothing if you want. And the Pepsi guy walks up and with my agent to meet us for lunch. I wondered if I should put on my top because I have a business relationship with him. I didn't want him to get offended because the rest of the beach had seen me with my top off. Meanwhile, as he's walking towards me he's saying to my agent "I hope she puts on her top.". He wasn't even being a schmuck, like wanting to see.
  2. (colloquial, pejorative) A deplorable, pitiful person; often in the form poor schmuck.
Translations Translations
  • German: Schlucker, armer Schlucker

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