snake oil

snake oil (uncountable)

  1. (idiomatic) A fraudulent, ineffective potion or nostrum; panacea.
  2. A traditional Chinese medicine used to treat joint pain.
  3. A type of 19th-century patent medicine sold in the United States that claimed to contain snake fat, supposedly a Native American remedy for various ailments.
  4. (idiomatic) Any product with exaggerated marketing but questionable or unverifiable quality.
Translations Verb

snake oil (snake oils, present participle snake oiling; past and past participle snake oiled)

  1. (slang) To dupe or con.
    • 1995, Nancy Owen Nelson (ed.), Private Voices, Public Lives:
      And this is particularly so for many of our women students who have been hustled and snake-oiled to deny the validity of their intellects.
    • 2013, Thomas Pynchon, Bleeding Edge, Vintage 2014, p. 23:
      Before she had a chance to deal with her hangover, he was on the phone snake-oiling her into the first of what would be many ill-fated fraud cases.

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