  1. Simple past tense and past participle of stone


  1. Containing stones.
  2. Having had the stones removed.
  3. (slang, now, uncommon) Drunk; intoxicated by alcohol.
    • 2002, Frederick J. Spencer, Jazz and Death: Medical Profiles of Jazz Greats
      'He could be a mean drunk,' said saxophonist Artie Drelinger. ' […] Booze was his priority, and when he was stoned he could be a son of a bitch.'
  4. (slang) High on drugs, especially cannabis.
    Synonyms: high, geeked, blazed, baked, fried, chopped
    • 1971, Jim Morrison, "The WASP (Texas Radio And The Big Beat)", The Doors, L.A. Woman.
      quote en
    • 2007, Steven Wilson, "Normal", Porcupine Tree, Nil Recurring.
      quote en
    We got stoned and ate four bags of potato chips.
  5. (slang) Exhilarated, intoxicated by something (such as love) other than drugs or alcohol.
    • 1972, John W. Drakeford, Children of Doom: A Sobering Look at the Commune Movement, Nashville : Broadman Press:
      "I am stoned on Jesus! He turns me on and gives me something drugs never could!"
    • 2014, Susan Scott, Call Me Captain: A Memoir of a Woman at Sea, University of Hawaii Press (ISBN 9780824839819), page 112:
      I had told them my sailing plans—a few voyages and then Palmyra—but learned almost nothing about them except they were stoned on life. They were so in love with each other and so enamored with their six-month-old baby, […]
    • 2016, Heidi Patullo, Imperfukt: ...And Never Happier!, iUniverse (ISBN 9781491782941):
      Perhaps I even looked stoned on life with that ever-present smile on my face […]
Synonyms Translations

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