what about

what about (not comparable)

  1. Used to make a suggestion.
    What about going to a restaurant tonight?
  2. Used to ask someone to consider something or someone that they have apparently not considered.
    You're obviously having a good time, but what about me?
  3. To repeat a question but referring to a different subject or object.
    A: Is John coming tomorrow?  B:Yes  A: What about David?
    A: Do you like football?  B:No  A: What about basketball?
  4. To express approval of an occurrence or a result.
    What about the second goal!
Synonyms Translations
  • German: wie wär's mit
  • Italian: se, e se + subjunctive
  • Portuguese: que tal, quem sabe
  • Russian: что́ е́сли
  • Spanish: qué tal...
  • French: et, quid#French|quid, qu'en est-il de
  • German: und, was ist mit
  • Italian: e
  • Portuguese: e...?, e sobre...?, e quanto a...?
  • Russian: а
  • Spanish: y, qué tal...

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