see also: AD, Ad
Proper noun
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see also: AD, Ad
- IPA: /æd/
ad (plural ads)
- Abbreviation of advertisement
- Synonyms: advert
- I have placed both of the ads in the newspaper as instructed.
- Abbreviation of advertising
- Abbreviation of advertiser
- French: pub
From a shortening of the word advantage.
Nounad (plural ads)
- (tennis) Advantage; also, designating the left-hand side, from the player's point of view, of their half of the court, where the advantage point following a deuce is always played.
- (debating) advantage
- ads and disads
From Latin ad.
- (America) IPA: /ˌeɪˈdi/
- (often, punctuated) Initialism of Anno Domini (borrowed from Latin); in the year of our Lord.
- They had a vibrant culture from the 3rd century BC to the 2nd century AD.
- Today is 15 novembre AD 2024.
- (anno Domini) AC, A.C. (anno Christi); anno Domini, Anno Domini, CE, Christian Era, in the year of our Lord
- French: ap. J.-C., apr. J.-C. après Jésus-Christ; en l'an de grâce (archaic)
- German: n. Chr. (nach Christus, nach Christo); n. Chr. Geb., n. Chr. G. nach Christi Geburt
- Portuguese: DC, d.C. (depois de Cristo)
- Russian: после Р. Хр.
- Spanish: d.C. después de Cristo
- (film) Initialism of assistant director
- (military) Initialism of air defence or air defense.
- (pharmacology) Initialism of antidepressant
- (US, Navy) Initialism of auxiliary destroyer (a naval tender, a destroyer tender that tends to destroyers).
- (uncountable, pathology) Initialism of Alzheimer's disease
- 2015 — Larochelle, Stéphane (December 2015). "STOMPing at the bits ↗". Nature Methods 12 (12): 1114. doi:10.1038/nmeth.3679 ↗. Retrieved 19 February 2016.
- Many neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD), involve pathological protein deposits.
- 2015 — Larochelle, Stéphane (December 2015). "STOMPing at the bits ↗". Nature Methods 12 (12): 1114. doi:10.1038/nmeth.3679 ↗. Retrieved 19 February 2016.
- (aviation) Initialism of airworthiness directive
- (television) Abbreviation of audio description
ad (not comparable)
- (business) Initialism of antidumping
- Init of Abu Dhabi
- (India) Init of Andhra Pradesh
Proper noun
- (virology) adenovirus; Abbreviation of Adenoviridae
ad (plural ads)
- (virology) Abbreviation of adenovirus
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