see also: AD, Ad
Pronunciation Noun

ad (plural ads)

  1. Abbreviation of advertisement
    Synonyms: advert
    I have placed both of the ads in the newspaper as instructed.
  2. Abbreviation of advertising
  3. Abbreviation of advertiser
Translations Etymology 2

From a shortening of the word advantage.


ad (plural ads)

  1. (tennis) Advantage; also, designating the left-hand side, from the player's point of view, of their half of the court, where the advantage point following a deuce is always played.
  2. (debating) advantage
    ads and disads
Etymology 3

From Latin ad.

  1. to, toward

  • (America) IPA: /ˌeɪˈdi/


  1. (often, punctuated) Initialism of Anno Domini (borrowed from Latin); in the year of our Lord.
    They had a vibrant culture from the 3rd century BC to the 2nd century AD.
    Today is 15 novembre AD 2024.
Synonyms Antonyms
  • (antonym(s) of “anno Domini”): AC, A.C. (ante Christum); b.c., BC, B.C. (before Christ); BCE
  • French: ap. J.-C., apr. J.-C. après Jésus-Christ; en l'an de grâce (archaic)
  • German: n. Chr. (nach Christus, nach Christo); n. Chr. Geb., n. Chr. G. nach Christi Geburt
  • Portuguese: DC, d.C. (depois de Cristo)
  • Russian: после Р. Хр.
  • Spanish: d.C. después de Cristo


  1. (film) Initialism of assistant director
  2. (military) Initialism of air defence or air defense.
  3. (pharmacology) Initialism of antidepressant
  4. (US, Navy) Initialism of auxiliary destroyer (a naval tender, a destroyer tender that tends to destroyers).
  5. (uncountable, pathology) Initialism of Alzheimer's disease
    • 2015 — Larochelle, Stéphane (December 2015). "STOMPing at the bits ↗". Nature Methods 12 (12): 1114. doi:10.1038/nmeth.3679 ↗. Retrieved 19 February 2016.
      Many neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD), involve pathological protein deposits.
  6. (aviation) Initialism of airworthiness directive
  7. (television) Abbreviation of audio description

ad (not comparable)

  1. (business) Initialism of antidumping
Proper noun
  1. Init of Abu Dhabi
  2. (India) Init of Andhra Pradesh

Proper noun
  1. (virology) adenovirus; Abbreviation of Adenoviridae

ad (plural ads)

  1. (virology) Abbreviation of adenovirus

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