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- IPA: /ədˈvaɪz/
advise (advises, present participle advising; past and past participle advised)
- (transitive) To give advice to; to offer an opinion to, as worthy or expedient to be followed.
- The dentist advised me to brush three times a day.
- 1992, Burns, D. & Pierce, J.P., Tobacco Use in California 1990-1991, Sacramento: California Department of Health Services ISBN 9781437910919, page 88
- Of those current smokers who had seen a physician within the last year, 35.7% of the males and 27.6% of the females reported never having been advised to stop smoking by their physician.
- (transitive) To recommend; to offer as advice.
- The dentist advised brushing three times a day.
- (transitive) To give information or notice to; to inform or counsel; — with of before the thing communicated.
- We were advised of the risk.
- The lawyer advised me to drop the case, since there was no chance of winning.
- (intransitive) To consider, to deliberate.
- 1843, Thomas Carlyle, Past and Present, book 2, ch. VIII, The Election
- […] Samson is reported to the King accordingly. His Majesty, advising of it for a moment, orders that Samson be brought in with the other Twelve.
- 1843, Thomas Carlyle, Past and Present, book 2, ch. VIII, The Election
- (obsolete, transitive) To look at, watch; to see.
- 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, III.v:
- when that villain he auiz'd, which late / Affrighted had the fairest Florimell, / Full of fiers fury, and indignant hate, / To him he turned […]
- 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, III.v:
- (obsolete, intransitive) To consult (with).
- 1746, Charles Pinot Duclos, The history of Lewis xi. king of France. Transl (page 169)
- The armies drawing constantly nearer to each other, the king advised with his council, whether he should march against the Britons, or sall upon the count of Gharolois.
- 1746, Charles Pinot Duclos, The history of Lewis xi. king of France. Transl (page 169)
- (to offer an opinion) counsel, warn; See also Thesaurus:advise
- (to give information or notice) inform, notify; See also Thesaurus:inform
- French: conseiller
- German: raten, beraten, empfehlen
- Italian: consigliare, raccomandare, consultarsi
- Portuguese: aconselhar, opiniar
- Russian: сове́товать
- Spanish: aconsejar, asesorar
- French: conseiller, renseigner
- German: mitteilen, informieren, verständigen
- Italian: avvisare, informare, notificare
- Portuguese: avisar, informar, notificar
- Russian: сообща́ть
- Spanish: notificar
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.004