big deal

big deal (plural big deals)

  1. (idiomatic, informal) Something very important or difficult, or of great concern; considerable feat or achievement.
    It's a big deal to him to get this promotion.
    It's no big deal if you don't finish.
    Why do you always have to make such a big deal of tiny punctuation errors?
  2. (idiomatic, informal) Someone very important; a VIP.
    Don't you know I'm a real big deal around here?
  • French: problème, drame (concern), toute une affaire (important, affirmative form), montagne (difficult), en faire tout un plat
  • German: große Sache
  • Portuguese: grande coisa
  • Russian: важный де́ло
  • Spanish: gran cosa
Translations Interjection
  1. (idiomatic, informal, ironic) Indicates that something is not important or impressive; so what.
    He can run a mile in six minutes? Big deal! Some people can do it in four.
  • French: la belle affaire, et puis, et alors
  • German: auch schon was
  • Italian: bella forza, e allora
  • Portuguese: grande coisa
  • Russian: подумать

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