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- (GA) IPA: /ˈkæz(ə)m/
chasm (plural chasms)
- (geology, planetology) A deep, steep-sided rift, gap or fissure; a gorge or abyss.
- (by extension) A large difference of opinion.
- French: chasme, crevasse, fossé, gouffre
- German: Abgrund, Kluft, Spalte
- Italian: voragine, baratro, abisso
- Portuguese: abismo
- Russian: бе́здна
- Spanish: garganta, cañón, barranco, barranca, sima, abismo
- French: fossé, divergence
- German: Kluft
- Italian: divergenza, divario
- Portuguese: abismo, cisma
- Russian: разногласие
- Spanish: disensión
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.007