see also: Nazi


  1. Alternative form of Nazi
    Auschwitz was a nazi concentration camp.

nazi (plural nazis)

  1. Alternative form of Nazi
    The most prominent and well-known nazi was Adolf Hitler.
    I tried to get into the club, but the door nazi threw me out.

  • IPA: /ˈnɑːtsi/, /ˈnætsi/, /ˈnæzi/ (the first pronunciation more closely matches the German pronunciation [ˈnäːtsi] and is more common than the second; the third is historical)

nazi (plural nazis)

  1. (historical) A member of the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, commonly called the NSDAP or Nazi Party).
  2. One who subscribes to or advocates (neo-)Nazism or a similarly fascist, racist (especially anti-Semitic), xenophobic, ethnic supremacist, or ultranationalist ideology; a neo-Nazi.
  3. (slang, usually, pejorative, sometimes offensive, see usage notes below) One who imposes one’s views on others; one who is considered unfairly oppressive or needlessly strict. (also frequently uncapitalised: nazi)
    She’s a total grammar Nazi.
  4. (ethnic slur, rare) A German, a person of German descent, or a person perceived to be of German descent.
Translations Adjective


  1. (historical) Of or pertaining to the Nazi Party (NSDAP) specifically, or to Nazism, neo-Nazism or neo-Nazis more generally.
    Hypernyms: fascist
    1. (historical) Of or pertaining to the Third Reich.
      Hypernyms: German
  2. (by extension) Domineering, totalitarian, or intolerant.
    Synonyms: fascist
Translations Proper noun
  1. The language (ideological jargon) of Nazi.
    • 2008, Joseph P. Farrell, Nazi International (ISBN 1935487590):
      All this requires some very careful unpacking, for obviously, Dr. Bosse is “speaking Nazi with the Bormann dialect.”
    • 2014, Marius Turda, ‎Aaron Gillette, Latin Eugenics in Comparative Perspective (ISBN 1472522109), page 123:
      He must write and speak “Nazi”, which is essentially anti-scientific' (Schreiber 1935a: 79). Falk Ruttke's presentation was illustrative in this sense. Ruttke was a member of the Reich Committee for Public Health Policy, as well as a member of the Advisory Board for Population and Racial Policy at the Reich Interior Ministry. Ruttke told the participants that after Hitler's accession to power, the 'knowledge of genetic laws was invoked towards the creation of a healthy race,...'
    • 2015, Tarik Cyril Amar, The Paradox of Ukrainian Lviv: A Borderland City (ISBN 1501700847):
      What is pertinent is that it was possible to effectively speak Nazi to Nazis and then become an “innocent nationalist” during the Cold War. Kubiiovych's truth, if any, was that he mastered both. Pragmatism and brutality thus meshed seamlessly. For Kubiiovych, developing the Ukrainian cooperative system under Germans would not only strengthen the Ukrainian economy but also protect Ukrainian peasants from Jewish exploitation.
  2. (derogatory, offensive, rare) The German language.
    • 1941 October 19, FFF advertisement in The New York Times (as quoted in 2004, Martin J. Manning, ‎Herbert Romerstein, Historical Dictionary of American Propaganda (ISBN 0313296057), page 104):
      In Hitler's Own Words: Shut up, Yank — learn to speak NAZI!
    • 2013, Jennifer Lane, On Best Behavior:
      He pushed aside his ponytailed minion and stepped right up to Tank, who gave him a perplexed look as he barked a few words in guttural German. “I don't speak Nazi,” Tank said.
    • 2016, Jessica Holbrook, The Perfect Descent, p. 158:
      “This is all sounding very pretty, Shaw,” Spencer checks his watch. “But how about you share what's being said for the rest of us who don't speak Nazi.”

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