see also: FOB
Pronunciation Noun

fob (plural fobs)

  1. A little pocket near the waistline of a pair of trousers or in a waistcoat or vest to hold a pocketwatch; a watch pocket.
    1711 Jonathan Swift, Windsor Prophecy:
    • With a saint at his chin and a seal at his fob.
  2. A short chain or ribbon to connect such a pocket to the watch.
  3. A small ornament attached to such a chain. (See Usage Notes below)
  4. A hand-held remote control device used to lock/unlock motor cars etc.
Translations Translations
  • Portuguese: berloque
  • Russian: брело́к
  • German: Funkschlüssel
  • Russian: брело́к дистанционный

fob (fobs, present participle fobbing; past and past participle fobbed)

  1. (transitive, archaic) To cheat, to deceive, to trick, to take in, to impose upon someone.
    1604 William Shakespeare, Othello, iv, 2:
    • I think it is scurvy, and begin to find myself fobbed in it.
  2. (transitive, archaic) To beat; to maul.
  • Spanish: engatusar


fob (not comparable)

  1. (incoterm) free on board
  2. (slang) fresh off the boat

fob (plural fobs)

  1. (military) Initialism of w:forward operating base
  2. Initialism of flash of brilliance
  3. (US, politics) Initialism of friend of Bill: a supporter of Bill Clinton.
  4. (Indian) Initialism of foot overbridge: a pedestrian overpass.
  5. (sometimes pejorative) A recent immigrant ("fresh off the boat").

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