see also: Leaf
Pronunciation Noun

leaf (plural leaves)

  1. The usually green and flat organ that represents the most prominent feature of most vegetative plants.
  2. Anything resembling the leaf of a plant.
  3. A sheet of any substance beaten or rolled until very thin.
    gold leaf
  4. A sheet of a book, magazine, etc (consisting of two pages, one on each face of the leaf).
    Synonyms: folium
  5. (in the plural) Tea leaves.
  6. A flat section used to extend the size of a table.
  7. A moveable panel, e.g. of a bridge or door, originally one that hinged but now also applied to other forms of movement.
    The train car has one single-leaf and two double-leaf doors per side.
    hyponyms en
    meronyms en
  8. (botany) A foliage leaf or any of the many and often considerably different structures it can specialise into.
  9. (computing, mathematics) In a tree, a node that has no descendants.
    • 2011, John Mongan, Noah Kindler, Eric Giguère, Programming Interviews Exposed
      The algorithm pops the stack to obtain a new current node when there are no more children (when it reaches a leaf).
  10. The layer of fat supporting the kidneys of a pig, leaf fat.
  11. One of the teeth of a pinion, especially when small.
  12. (slang) Marijuana.
  13. (internet slang, 4chan) (offensive) A Canadian person.
Translations Translations
  • Russian: лист
Translations Translations Translations Translations Translations Verb

leaf (leafs, present participle leafing; past and past participle leafed)

  1. (intransitive) To produce leaves; put forth foliage.
  2. (transitive) To divide (a vegetable) into separate leaves.
    The lettuce in our burgers is 100% hand-leafed.
Proper noun
  1. Surname

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