put on

put on (transitive)

  1. Used other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see put, on
    He put the pen on the table.
    Put it on the list.
    The doctor put me on a diet.
  2. To don (clothing, equipment or the like).
    Why don't you put on your jacket. It's cold.
  3. To fool, kid, deceive.
    You must be putting me on.
    She's putting on that she's sicker than she really is.
  4. To assume, adopt or affect; to behave in a particular way as a pretense.
    Why are you putting on that silly voice?
    He's just putting on that limp -- his leg's actually fine.
  5. To play (a recording).
    I'll put on your favorite record.
    Can you put on The Sound of Music? I'd like to see it again.
  6. To initiate cooking or warming, especially on a stovetop.
    I'll put on some coffee for everybody.
  7. To perform for an audience.
    The actors put on a show.
  8. To organize a performance for an audience.
  9. (obsolete) To hurry up; to move swiftly forward.
    • 1749, Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. In Six Volumes, volume (please specify ), London: Printed by A[ndrew] Millar, […], OCLC 928184292 ↗:
      Sophia […] saw several horses coming after on full speed. This greatly alarmed her fears, and she called to the guide to put on as fast as possible.
Synonyms Antonyms Related terms Translations Translations Translations
  • Russian: ста́вить

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