  • (British) IPA: [ɹɪˈməʊt], [ˌɹiːˈməʊt], [ɹəˈməʊt]
  • (America) IPA: [ɹɪˈmoʊt]


  1. At a distance; disconnected.
    A remote operator may control the vehicle with a wireless handset.
  2. Distant or otherwise inaccessible.
    After his fall from the emperor's favor, the general was posted to a remote outpost.
  3. (especially with respect to likelihood) Slight.
    There was only a remote possibility that we would be rescued as we were far outside of the regular shipping lanes.
  4. Emotionally detached.
    After her mother's death, my friend grew remote for a time while she dealt with her grief.
Synonyms Antonyms Translations Translations Noun

remote (plural remotes)

  1. Ellipsis of remote control#English|remote control
    I hate it when my uncle comes over to visit; he always sits in the best chair and hogs the remote.
  2. (broadcasting) An element of broadcast programming originating away from the station's or show's control room.
Synonyms Translations Verb

remote (remotes, present participle remoting; past and past participle remoted)

  1. (computing) To connect to a computer from a remote location.

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