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- asshat (US)
- arsehole (British)
- asshole (US)
- bayard (archaic)
- berk (British)
- birdbrain
- bobchin (obsolete)
- bonehead
- bozo
- brickhead
- Charlie (British)
- chucklehead
- chowderhead
- chump
- clart
- dill pickle (US)
- dim bulb
- dingleberry
- dipshit (vulgar)
- dipstick
- div
- divvo
- divvy
- dolt
- donk (Australian)
- doodle (dated)
- doofus
- dope
- dork
- dote (obsolete)
- dotterel
- dullard
- dumbass (US)
- dumbbell
- dumb fuck (US)
- dummy
- dunce
- dunderhead
- dupe
- fathead
- fenderhead
- fuckwit (vulgar)
- geck (archaic)
- gink
- goober (Southern US)
- gooseberry (British)
- gubbins
- ha'p'orth (dated)
- imbecile
- jerk (US)
- jerkoff (US)
- jolterhead
- jolthead
- juggins
- jughead
- knucklehead
- lamebrain
- maroon
- meathead
- mong (British)
- moron
- mug (British)
- muggins (British)
- mushhead
- nimrod
- nincompoop (somewhat dated)
- nit
- nitwit
- not the sharpest knife in the drawer
- numskull
- pinhead
- plonker (British)
- prat (British)
- retard
- shit for brains (vulgar)
- shithead (vulgar)
- schmo
- schmuck (US)
- snapperhead
- softhead
- sot (dated)
- sucker
- thickhead
- tool (Australian)
- tosser (British)
- tosspot
- twat (British)
- twerp
- twit
- wally (British)
- wantwit
- yampy (British)
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003