  • (British) IPA: /ˈadvə(ɹ)taɪz/
  • (GA) IPA: /ˈædvɚtaɪz/

advertise (advertises, present participle advertising; past and past participle advertised)

  1. (transitive) To give (especially public) notice of (something); to announce publicly. [from 15th c.]
  2. (intransitive) To provide information about a person or goods and services to influence others. [from 18th c.]
    It pays to advertise.
    For personal needs, advertise on the internet or in a local newspaper.
  3. (transitive) To provide public information about (a product, service etc.) in order to attract public awareness and increase sales. [from 19th c.]
    Over the air, they advertise their product on drive-time radio talk shows and TV news shows.
  4. (transitive, now rare) To notify (someone) of something; to call someone's attention to something. [from 15th c.]
    • 1603, Michel de Montaigne, “An Apologie of Raymond Sebond”, in John Florio, transl., The Essayes, […], book II, printed at London: By Val[entine] Simmes for Edward Blount […], OCLC 946730821 ↗, page 288 ↗:
      Socrates#English|Socrates being advertiſed, that the God of wiſdome, had attributed the name of wiſe vnto him, was thereat much aſtoniſhed, and diligently ſearching and rouzing vp himſelf, and ranſaking the very ſecrets of his heart, found no foundation or ground for his divine ſentence.
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