see also: Peg, PEG
  • IPA: /pɛɡ/, [pʰɛɡ]

peg (plural pegs)

  1. A cylindrical wooden or metal object used to fasten or as a bearing between objects.
  2. Measurement between the pegs: after killing an animal hunters used the distance between a peg near the animal's nose and one near the end of its tail to measure its body length.
  3. A protrusion used to hang things on.
    Hang your coat on the peg and come in.
  4. (figurative) A support; a reason; a pretext.
    a peg to hang a claim upon
  5. (cribbage) A peg moved on a crib board to keep score.
  6. (finance) A fixed exchange rate, where a currency's value is matched to the value of another currency or measure such as gold
  7. (UK) A small quantity of a strong alcoholic beverage.
    • This over, the club will be visited for a "peg," Anglice drink.
  8. A place formally allotted for fishing
  9. (colloquial, dated) A leg or foot.
    • 1913, D.H. Lawrence, Sons and Lovers, chapter 2
      "Now I'm cleaned up for thee: tha's no 'casions ter stir a peg all day, but sit and read thy books."
  10. One of the pins of a musical instrument, on which the strings are strained.
    • c. 1603–1604, William Shakespeare, “The Tragedie of Othello, the Moore of Venice”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies: Published According to the True Originall Copies (First Folio), London: Printed by Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, OCLC 606515358 ↗, [Act II, scene i]:
      O, you are well tuned now!
      But I'll set down the pegs that make this music,
      As honest as I am.
    • 1826, Mary Shelley, The Last Man, part 1, chapter 4
      Did we form ourselves, choosing, and our powers? I find myself, for one, as a stringed instrument with chords and stops - but I have no power to turn the pegs, or pitch my thoughts to a higher or lower key.
  11. A step; a degree.
    • to screw papal authority to the highest peg
    • We still have worsted all your holy tricks; / Trepann'd your party with intrigue, / And took your grandees down a peg […]
  12. Short for clothes peg.
  13. (journalism) A topic of interest, such as an ongoing event or an anniversary, around which various features can be developed.
    • 2010, Barbie Zelizer, ‎Stuart Allan, Keywords in News and Journalism Studies (page 111)
      Journalists and prospective sources wishing to attract their attention are constantly on the lookout for pegs. The process by which a peg is identified is informed by news values.
  14. (cricket, slang) A stump.
    • 1961, Colin McCool, Cricket is a Game (page 123)
      Lindy hit the pegs with five deliveries out of six.
  • (small quantity of strong liquor) shot
Related terms Translations Translations Translations Translations Verb

peg (pegs, present participle pegging; past and past participle pegged)

  1. (transitive) To fasten using a peg#Noun|peg.
    Let's peg the rug to the floor.
  2. (transitive) To affix or pin.
    I found a tack and pegged your picture to the bulletin board.
    She lunged forward and pegged him to the wall.
  3. (transitive) To fix a value or price.
    China's currency is no longer pegged to the American dollar.
  4. (transitive) To narrow the cuff openings of a pair of pants so that the legs take on a peg shape.
  5. (transitive, slang) To throw.
  6. (transitive, slang) To indicate or ascribe an attribute to. (Assumed to originate from the use of pegs or pins as markers on a bulletin board or a list.)
    He's been pegged as a suspect.
    I pegged his weight at 165.
  7. (cribbage) To move one's pegs to indicate points scored; to score with a peg.
    She pegged twelve points.
  8. (transitive, slang) To reach or exceed the maximum value on (a scale or gauge).
    We pegged the speedometer across the flats.
  9. (slang, transitive, typically in heterosexual contexts) To engage in anal sex by penetrating (one's male partner) with a dildo.
  10. (intransitive) To keep working hard at something; to peg away.
    • 1911, William Montgomerie Lamont, Volunteer memories (page 160)
      For more than the period of his splendid service in India, which the country was not slow to acknowledge, the Volunteers had kept pegging at it, despite all the official obstacles thrown in the way […]
Related terms Translations Translations Translations Translations
  • French: lancer avec force
  • German: werfen
Translations Translations
Pronunciation Proper noun
  1. A female given name
    1. Diminutive of Margaret#English|Margaret
    2. Clipping of Peggy#English|Peggy.
Proper noun
  1. (Canada, slang) Abbreviation of the city of Winnipeg#English|Winnipeg. Usually preceded by "the".
    I just got back from the Peg.



  1. (chemistry) polyethylene glycol
  2. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
  3. price/earnings to growth ratio (PEG ratio)
  4. Public, educational, and government access television

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