show off
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show off
- (transitive, idiomatic) To exhibit the best attributes of something.
- Grocery stores show off their produce by placing the most attractive specimens in front.
- (transitive and intransitive, idiomatic) To attract attention to for the purpose of bragging or personal exhibitionism; to demonstrate a skill, talent or property for the purpose of bragging or personal exhibitionism.
- She loves to show off her driving prowess.
- She loves to show off when she gets behind the wheel of a car.
- French: crâner, faire le malin, frimer, se la péter (informal, slang)
- German: angeben, aufschneiden, sich wichtigmachen, renommieren, sich aufblasen, wichtigtun
- Italian: vantare, vantarsi, mettere in mostra, mettersi in mostra
- Portuguese: mostrar-se, jactar-se, achar-se
- Russian: рисова́ться
- Spanish: chulear, lucir, lucirse, hacer alarde, alardear
show off (plural show offs)
- Alternative form of show-off
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