

  1. (slang, vulgar) Petty and contemptible; contemptibly unimportant. (Compare bullshit.)
  2. (vulgar, slang) Cowardly.
    How chickenshit of that girl to just stand there and do nothing.


  1. (slang, vulgar) Petty and contemptible thing(s).
    Don't waste your time on that chickenshit.
  2. (slang, vulgar) A coward.
    I told him I wasn't having his insults, and he just backed right down. What a chickenshit.
  3. (vulgar, military, slang) A low-ranking officer who lords over and needlessly makes life miserable for his underlings; a petty, abusive martinet.
    That chickenshit drove his men nearly to mutiny.
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