  • (RP) IPA: /ˈpɑːtnə(ɹ)/
  • (America, CA) IPA: /ˈpɑɹtnɚ/, [ˈpɑɹʔnɚ]
  • (AuE) IPA: /ˈpɐːtnə/
  • (New Zealand) IPA: /ˈpɐːtnɘ/

partner (plural partners)

  1. Someone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest.
    1. A member of a business or law partnership.
      • 1668 July 3, James Dalrymple, “Thomas Rue contra Andrew Houſtoun” in The Deciſions of the Lords of Council & Seſſion I (Edinburgh, 1683), page 548 ↗:
        He Suſpends on theſe Reaſons, that Thomas Rue had granted a general Diſcharge to Adam Muſhet, who was his Conjunct, and correus debendi, after the alleadged Service, which Diſcharged Muſhet, and conſequently Houstoun his Partner.
    2. A spouse or other person with whom one shares a domestic, romantic or sexual bond.
    3. Someone with whom one dances in a two-person dance.
      • 1909, Archibald Marshall [pseudonym; Arthur Hammond Marshall], chapter I, in The Squire’s Daughter, London: Methuen, OCLC 12026604 ↗; republished New York, N.Y.: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1919, OCLC 491297620 ↗:
        He tried to persuade Cicely to stay away from the ball-room for a fourth dance. […] But she said she must go back, and when they joined the crowd again her partner was haled off with a frightened look to the royal circle, […].
    4. Someone with whom one plays on the same side in a game, such as card games or doubles tennis.
  2. (nautical) One of the pieces of wood comprising the framework which strengthens the deck of a wooden ship around the holes through which the mast and other fittings pass.
  3. (Jamaica) A group financial arrangement in which each member contributes a set amount of money over a set period.
Synonyms Translations Translations Translations Translations Translations Verb

partner (partners, present participle partnering; past and past participle partnered)

  1. To make or be a partner.
  2. To work or perform as a partner.
  • Portuguese: associar-se

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