  • IPA: /ˈset.l.mənt/

settlement (plural settlements)

  1. The act of settling.
  2. The state of being settled.
  3. A colony that is newly established; a place or region newly settled.
  4. A community of people living together, such as a hamlet, village, town, or city.
  5. (architecture) The gradual sinking of a building. Fractures or dislocations caused by settlement.
  6. (finance) The delivery of goods by the seller and payment for them by the buyer, under a previously agreed trade or transaction or contract entered into.
  7. (legal) A disposition of property, or the act of granting it.
  8. (legal) A settled place of abode; residence; a right growing out of legal residence.
  9. (legal) A resolution of a dispute.
Synonyms Related terms Translations Translations Translations Translations Translations
  • French: acte de propriété
  • Spanish: acuerdo

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