Pronunciation Adverb
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Pronunciation Adverb
whereas (not comparable)
- (obsolete) Where (that).
- In contrast; whilst on the contrary; although.
- He came first in the race, whereas his brother came last.
- (mostly, law) It being the fact that; inasmuch as. (Often used in recitals)
- 1778, United States Articles of Confederation
- And Whereas it hath pleased the Great Governor of the World to incline the hearts of the legislatures we respectively represent in Congress, to approve of, and to authorize us to ratify the said Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union.
- 1778, United States Articles of Confederation
- French: tandis que, alors que
- German: wohingegen, wogegen, während
- Italian: laddove, mentre
- Portuguese: enquanto, ao passo que
- Russian: тогда́ как
- Spanish: mientras que (locution)
- French: alors que, compte tenu de, vu que, vu, eu égard à, en raison de, étant donné
- German: wobei
- Portuguese: sendo que, considerando que, dado que
- Spanish: siendo que, por cuanto, visto que
whereas (plural whereases)
- A clause, as in legal documents, stating whereas.
- French: tandis que
- Portuguese: cláusula
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