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- IPA: /snɪtʃ/
snitch (snitches, present participle snitching; past and past participle snitched)
- (transitive) To inform on, especially in betrayal of others.
- (slang, transitive) To contact or cooperate with the police for any reason.
- (dated, transitive) To steal, quickly and quietly.
- (to steal) filch, pilfer, pocket; See also Thesaurus:steal
- (to inform on) drop a dime, grass up, rat out; See also Thesaurus:rat out
- (cooperate with the police)
- French: piquer, voler
- German: klauen, stibitzen
- Italian: sgraffignare, grattare, rubare
- Russian: стащить
- Spanish: afanar, mangar, robar, hurtar
- French: balancer
- German: petzen, verpetzen, verpfeifen
- Italian: informare, fare la spia, fare la soffiata
- Portuguese: delatar, dedurar, xisnovar (informal)
- Russian: нашёптывать
- Spanish: chivar, chivatear, delatar
- French: moucharder
- German: Spitzeldienste verrichten, Spitzeldienste erledigen
snitch (plural snitches)
- A thief.
- An informer, usually one who betrays his group.
- (British) A nose.
- 1897, W.S. Maugham, Lisa of Lambeth, chapter 1
- 'Yah, I wouldn't git a second-'and dress at a pawnbroker's!'
- 'Garn!' said Liza indignantly. 'I'll swipe yer over the snitch if yer talk ter me. [...] "
- 1897, W.S. Maugham, Lisa of Lambeth, chapter 1
- A tiny morsel.
- 1963, Jack Schaefer, Monte Walsh, p 3
- "He pays for the food you eat," said the woman.
- "Yeah," said the boy. "And I earn every snitch doing everything ever gets done around here."
- 1963, Jack Schaefer, Monte Walsh, p 3
- (thief) filcher, pincher; See also Thesaurus:thief
- (informer) grass, mole, rat, stool pigeon; See also Thesaurus:informant
- (nose) schnozz, sneck; See also Thesaurus:nose
- (morsel) bite, snap, snippock
- French: balance, délateur, informateur, indicateur, indic, dénonciateur, mouchard
- German: Spitzel, Informant
- Italian: pentito, traditore, spia, delatore
- Portuguese: dedo-duro
- Russian: доно́счик
- Spanish: chivato, soplón, delator, sapo
- Russian: нос
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003