see also: SWAT, Swat
  • (America) IPA: /swɒt/, /swŏt/

swat (swats, present participle swatting; past and past participle swatted)

  1. (transitive) To beat off, as insects; to bat, strike, or hit.
    He swatted the mosquito that was buzzing around in his bedroom.
    The cat swatted at the feather.
    • 2017, Jennifer S. Holland, For These Monkeys, It’s a Fight for Survival., National Geographic (March 2017)
      During my first day in the woods, Raoul, the big alpha male of Rambo II, opened wide to show me his dagger-sharp canines, then sauntered by and swatted my calf with a stick—letting me know my place in the social order. (Low.)
Translations Noun

swat (plural swats)

  1. A hard stroke, hit or blow, e.g., as part of a spanking.
  2. Alternate spelling of swot: vigorous study at an educational institution.
Translations Verb

swat (swats, present participle swatting; past and past participle swatted)

  1. (slang) To illegitimately provoke a SWAT assault upon (someone).

  • (British) IPA: /swɒt/
  • (America) IPA: /swɑt/


  1. (chiefly, US, law enforcement) Acronym of special weapons and tactics The area of expertise of police officers trained and equipped to neutralize armed or entrenched criminals.
  2. (chiefly, US, law enforcement) a SWAT team
    "This situation is out of control. We need a SWAT," the policeman said.

Proper noun
  1. a valley and a district in NWFP administrative province of Pakistan
  2. a river in NWFP administrative province of Pakistan

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