  • IPA: /əˈɡɹiːmənt/


  1. (countable) An understanding between entities to follow a specific course of conduct.
    to enter an agreement;  the UK and US negotiators nearing agreement;  he nodded his agreement.
  2. (uncountable) A state whereby several parties share a view or opinion; the state of not contradicting one another.
    The results of my experiment are in agreement with those of Michelson and with the law of General Relativity.
  3. (uncountable, legal) A legally binding contract enforceable in a court of law.
  4. (uncountable, linguistics, grammar) Rules that exist in many languages that force some parts of a sentence to be used or inflected differently depending on certain attributes of other parts.
    • Having clarified what we mean by ‘Personʼ and ‘Numberʼ, we can now return to our earlier observation that a finite I is inflected not only for Tense, but also for Agreement. More particularly, I inflects for Person and Number, and must ‘agreeʼ with its Subject, in the sense that the Person/Number features of I must match those of the Subject.
  5. (obsolete, chiefly in the plural) An agreeable quality.
    • 1650, John Donne, "Elegie XVII":
      Her nymph-like features such agreements have / That I could venture with her to the grave [...].
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