see also: Nurse
Pronunciation Noun
Proper noun
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see also: Nurse
Pronunciation Noun
nurse (plural nurses)
- (archaic) A wet nurse.
- A person (usually a woman) who takes care of other people’s young.
- They hired a nurse to care for their young boy.
- A person trained to provide care for the sick.
- The nurse made her rounds through the hospital ward.
- 1990, Andrew Davies, Michael Dobbs, House of Cards, Season 1, Episode 4
- Francis Urquhart: Right. Mackenzie. Health. No chance of getting him into a demo at a hospital, I suppose?
Tim Stamper: Doesn't go to hospitals any more. Kept getting beaten up by the nurses... I think he has trouble getting insured now.
- Francis Urquhart: Right. Mackenzie. Health. No chance of getting him into a demo at a hospital, I suppose?
- (figurative) One who, or that which, brings up, rears, causes to grow, trains, or fosters.
- Eton College has been called "the chief nurse of England's statesmen".
- the nurse of manly sentiment and heroic enterprise
- (horticulture) A shrub or tree that protects a young plant.
- (nautical) A lieutenant or first officer who takes command when the captain is unfit for his place.
- A larva of certain trematodes, which produces cercariae by asexual reproduction.
- A nurse shark.
- French: nourrice
- German: Kinderfrau, Kindermädchen
- Italian: nutrice, balia
- Portuguese: babá (Brazil)
- Russian: ня́ня
- Spanish: niñera
- French: infirmière, infirmier
- German: Schwester, Krankenschwester, Pflegerin, Krankenpflegerin, Pfleger, Krankenpfleger
- Italian: infermiera, infermiere
- Portuguese: enfermeira, enfermeiro
- Russian: медсестра́
- Spanish: enfermera, enfermero
nurse (nurses, present participle nursing; past and past participle nursed)
- (transitive) To breastfeed: to feed (a baby) at the breast; to suckle.
- She believes that nursing her baby will make him strong and healthy.
- (intransitive) To breastfeed: to be fed at the breast.
- (transitive) To care for (someone), especially in sickness; to tend to.
- She nursed him back to health.
- to treat kindly and with extra care
- She nursed the rosebush and that season it bloomed.
- to manage with care and economy
- Synonyms: husband
- to drink slowly
- to foster, to nourish
- to hold closely to one's chest
- Would you like to nurse the puppy?
- (billiards) To strike (billiard balls) gently, so as to keep them in good position during a series of shots.
- 1866, United States. Congress. Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War, Supplemental report of the Joint Committee
- It is to our interest to let Lee and Johnston come together, just as a billiard-player would nurse the balls when he has them in a nice place
- 1866, United States. Congress. Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War, Supplemental report of the Joint Committee
- (drink slowly) sip, see also Thesaurus:drink
- French: allaiter, donner le sein
- German: stillen
- Portuguese: amamentar
- Russian: корми́ть гру́дью
- Spanish: amamantar, dar el pecho
- German: saugen
- German: hegen
Proper noun
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