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- IPA: /ˌantɪˈsiːdənt/
antecedent (not comparable)
- Earlier, either in time or in order.
- an event antecedent to the Biblical Flood
- an antecedent cause
- Presumptive.
- an antecedent improbability
- German: früher, vorausgehend, vorgängig, voriger, vorige, voriges, vorangehend, vorgängig, vorrangig, vorhergehend, vor-
- Italian: antecedente
- Portuguese: antecedente
- Russian: предше́ствующий
- Spanish: antecedente
antecedent (plural antecedents)
- Any thing that precedes another thing, especially the cause of the second thing.
- An ancestor.
- 1931, H. P. Lovecraft, The Whisperer in Darkness, chapter 3:
- The Boston agent added that this clerk was a young man of wholly unquestioned veracity and reliability, of known antecedents and long with the company.
- 1931, H. P. Lovecraft, The Whisperer in Darkness, chapter 3:
- (grammar) A word, phrase or clause referred to by a pronoun.
- H. W. Fowler, A Dictionary of Modern English Usage
- [W]hereas it might seem orderly that, as who is appropriated to persons, so that should have been appropriated to things […] the antecedent of that is often personal.
- One such condition can be formulated in terms of the c-command relation defined in (9) above: the relevant condition is given in (16) below:
An anaphor must have an appropriate c-commanding antecedent
- H. W. Fowler, A Dictionary of Modern English Usage
- (logic) The conditional part of a hypothetical proposition, i.e. p \rightarrow q, where p is the antecedent, and q is the consequent.
- (logic) The first of two subsets of a sequent, consisting of all the sequent's formulae which are valuated as true.
- (math) The first term of a ratio, i.e. the term a in the ratio a:b, the other being the consequent.
- (mostly, in the plural) Previous principles, conduct, history, etc.
- (something which precedes) precedent, precursor
- (an ancestor) ascendant, ascendent, forebear, forefather, forerunner, predecessor, progenitor
- (in logic) consequent, (for sequents) succedent
- (in linguistics) anaphor
- French: antécédent
- German: Vorgeschichte, Ursache, Vorleben, Vorangehende, Vorhergehende, Antezedenz, Vorläufer, Vorstufe, Vorform
- Italian: antecedente
- Portuguese: antecedente
- Spanish: antecedente
- French: ascendant
- German: Ahne, Vorläufer, Vorfahre, Vorfahr, Uhrahn, Uhrahne, Stammvater, Ahn, Ahnin, Ahne
- Italian: antenato, progenitore
- Portuguese: antecedente, ancestral, antepassado
- Spanish: antecedente, antepasado
- French: antécédent
- German: Beziehungswort, Bezugselement, Antezedens, Bezugswort
- Italian: antecedente
- Portuguese: antecedente
- Spanish: antecedente
- French: antécédent
- German: Antezedens
- Italian: antecedente
- Portuguese: antecedente
This text is extracted from the Wiktionary and it is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy 0.003